Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Working Marathon with my SISTER!!!

So..... my sister Angie got here on Friday night and flew out this morning. We had a GREAT time! One of those experiences where you have moments of laughing so much you almost pee your pants! :) She's super fun! Well...she did come for a reason other than socializing... she came to clean out and organize Tyler's office! AND WOW did we get stuff done!! :)
Late nights....
Friday - picked her up 10:00 from Charlotte... got home around 11:30, worked until about 3:30
Saturday - Woke up at 8:30 am, worked until 4:30 am!
Sunday - Woke up around 10:30, worked until 7:00 A.M!!!
Monday - napped from 7:00-11:30 - woke up worked until 4:30 - then off to the airport!
Well, she missed her flight, so I had to bring her this morning.... so last night we did actually chill out and go to bed early. It felt great to actually SLEEP!!!!!!!! :)
The final outcome was AMAZING! I will get some before and after pictures and put them up here... but WOW!

And, how did eating right and 4321 fit in with this WORKING MARATHON! Well, I must admit, I did miss some workouts! We actually worked out on Friday night around midnight! Ang couldn't believe how HARD it was!!!! She could feel her legs burning big time! We did 2 sets of 4 on the elipitical.... so basically 8 minutes of 30 seconds hard, 30 seconds easy. She was amazed and suprised! She was an athlete growing up too and like us "ATHLETES", she thought it would be a joke since it wasn't for 30-60 minutes! She was proven wrong!! :)
We did eat for the most part what was on the schedule... SERGEANT ANGIE got on me for taking so many eating breaks, but it worked out. :) Saturday, Sunday and Monday I did NOT do 4321. AND, yesterday I did eat CHIK-FIL-A!!! My first "Fast Food" experience since the program started. I'm not distraut over it though.....because this is a LIFE program, and LIFE includes some times in eating out....ok... you're thinking "Amy, you must have got the Grilled Chicken sandwich, 1/2 the bun, with a fruit cup, no fries... right?" - WRONG! That would've been the best choice, but I got chicken tenders (3) and fries and a Diet Coke! WHOA! Such is life! IT sure was good though! I got full REALLY fast!

Also... I had to weigh myself... I dropped 4 pounds! YEAH!! :) That's exciting. :) That made me feel good that I got off the 148 hump! When I weighed myself the other day I weighed 144. SO... I started at 155. :) :) YEAH!

I just started month 2 yesterday... so today is DAY 2. Just had vegetable soup... had to BYPASS ALL THE GOOD looking food in the fridge... croissants, pasta, cookies, chips... etc.... all of which, I could have EATEN for free!! Not that I'm a "scavenger" or anything.... but sometimes it is just fun to eat stuff that you don't have to pay for! :) Well, I heated up my soup and am getting ready to eat my apple....

With that update, I suppose I will be done. Will keep you posted and show you pictures later! :) BYE!

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