So... I have the pictures that I wanted to share with you all! :) QUITE amazing if I do say so myself! This is what Ang and I worked on for about 3 days..... but, the final outcome will bring great benefits to me! Keeping my husband motivated and dreaming is very important for my FUTURE! SO... we created an atmosphere that would keep his goals and dreams in front of him. It is so wonderful.... peaceful.... I just LOVE it!! :) goes.... enjoy the BEFORE and AFTER pictures!!! :)
This one is of the corner closet. Messy and cluttered, always stuff on the floor, trying to maneuver around. Clutter! And what a site as you walk in the office to see such a messy bookshelf!

This is the corner of the office, by the closet. Notice the clean floor, organized bookshelf. We moved this bookshelf from the other side of the room! This bookshelf has our biz and spiritual books and we boxed up a TON of books b/c before we had about 8 shelves of books! So we kept out our favorites and left some room to add. Then AMY actually gets some storage bins! Yeah!
This is looking at the door to leave the office. Notice the bookshelf... it is in front of the bathroom door, so we obviously didn't ever get to use this door! And, the nice CLUTTERED bookshelf!

Notice you can actually use this door to get into the bathroom! This wall is the OLYMPIC WALL! This is still one of Tyler's dreams and passions, to go to the Olympics and win the Gold in the Hammer Throw. He missed the Olympic trials by a toe fowl when he was finishing college - so... he threw the distance, but his toe touched the line!!!
This is the corner of the office... stacks of supplies for his job. 2 very messy bookshelves, and just an abundance of clutter!

Now this corner is a comfortable, relaxing corner... Tyler's favorite "thinking" chair, a picture of him throwing at Coastal Caroline University, a poem that I wrote "The Olympic Calling" and we framed, his college jersey and the CCU Record holder still, and then some throwing parafenelia.
This is what you would see the first thing when you walked in the office. A big white board, a calendar in the corner from 2006, a small path to get to his desk, and his 2 desks that he uses.

We framed out a section of the wall, got a smaller white board. The shelf contains pictures of our business and life mentors, and the center one a picture of Tyler and I speaking at a conference in front of about 10,000 people, a Victory in our life. The room is bordered with 8x10 pictures of our dreams, goals, past travels, victories we've accomplished, friends, mentors, and things that are just inspiring to us! Tyler said, "I feel like a great cloud of witnesses are looking down on me, cheering me on." - The bookshelves have bins to put supplies in, and it helps them not to look cluttered.
This is our "Seed-Board" - Financial seed we've sown into peoples lives... and excited about God bringing the harvest. :) As it says in the Word, "We put YOU in rememberence of your Word"... and we know sowing seed is one of the steps to Break-Through and victory!

This is the poem I wrote so we could hang it in Tyler's office.
This is a compilation of pictures we put together. All the pictures are some of the LEGENDS in the Hammer. People who will be Tyler's peers one day. The middle picture is the medal winners at the last Olympics. This was what Tyler said he was most excited about and impressed with, that we found the pictures, and got it all framed... very inspiring! :)

There ya have it! Pictures of our OFFICE MARATHON!
ReplyDeleteThis is truly AMAZING! I love how you showed the before and after pictures. It makes me want to go home and create an 'inspirational room' for myself. Really awesome ideas. Tyler is very fortunate to have such a supportive wife. Cool!!!! Can't wait to see him in the Olympics! WhooHoo Go Tyler!