How do you begin? How do you begin to share what up until this point of life, has been the most Overwhelming Blessing that has ever occurred. Life-changing. Granted..... the 2 obvious impactful events were of course getting saved and marrying such an awesome godly man as Tyler. But.... the feeling I got from the whole trip was so overwhelming.... "Overwhelming".... for the first 2 days that is all I could do to describe it. I felt like crying some because I thought, "God, how come you chose me? How did I get to be so blessed that you would choose me to go through this experience and opportunity? Thank you! I love you! I feel SOOO greatful!"
The first few days that is truly what I felt, just overwhelmed. I'm feeling that a little bit now too.... now it's different, b/c now it is "How can I share this with others? How can I relay the magnitude of what we're a part of? What we have access too, Nutrilite. How can I relay and not overwhelm people with too much information?" Next week at our Open Meeting I'm sharing at our Training Session. Yes... will be sharing the slide-show for people to see..... but how do you spend only 20 minutes talking about something that has SO changed my life forever? Changed my husbands life, changed my future children's life. I'm honestly feeling a bit overwhelmed. I know God is going to give me the words to say.... exactly. I'm just so thankful. I'm excited to be a "Trim-Bassador", to help people live a victorious life, to help people not have to live in the cycle of weight loss, only to re-gain the same weight later. I'm excited to help people be happy with themselves and who they are.
Praise GOD for choosing me! I'm excited to share what I've learned with the World! :) (does that sound cliche?) Every person you know and love needs to be taking a Nutrilite Multi-vitamin! If they can't do Double-X, they NEED to be taking Daily at least!!! (obviously all the blah blah stuff, check w/ your doctor, bla bla bla) But... if you love them, you need to begin the process of getting them all taking a multi that we can trust and that is BETTER than you could EVER imagine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK.... I'll leave you with a TRIM TIP....
Trim Tip of the Day: During your 4-3-2-1, imagine a you are getting ready to begin your 4 minutes of cardio, you're doing 30 second sprints, or 30 second "fast feet", 30 second jog recovery - 4 times, imagine a coach standing there yelling at you, "CAN YOU DO MORE? IS THAT ALL YOU'VE GOT? CAN YOU GO HARDER?!!!!!" - At that point, give it more, push until your legs burn. THAT is the beginning of the intensity of the 4-3-2-1.
Love ya'll! Good night!
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