Well... I must say, I have a new excitement about things! I received some information from Coach Di (Diesel DI!).... it was an article about how to overcome when you are in a Plateau. I guess it's pretty common for people to hit a plateau around weeks 4-6.... it was great to just read what your body is doing in a Plateau and it listed 10 steps to come out of a Plateau. It was really helpful. She encouraged us to choose 1 or 2 things that we are going to apply. My thing was "Intensity" when I'm working out, and drinking more water! Should drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces.
Well... so I've increased intensity the last 2 workouts. They felt great! Yesterday was a cardio day for me.... Coach Di has me doing 4321 - 3 days/week, and a cardio day 2 days/week. So... I went out and ran for 30 minutes.... wow! I went out 15 minutes and turned around and came back. My goal when I turned around on the way back was that I would be able to get back to my front door in 15 minutes! You know on runs, most of the time, the run out is a bit faster b/c your fresher.... AND on my way back I had some uphills.... well... I made it!!! I did have to SCOOT to make it, but I did! It was a GREAT run! It motivated me b/c it felt so good.
It's going to be a bit weird b/c I'm not weighing myself for 3 weeks! WHOA! That seems like a long time!!
Spiritually renewed also.... well... I got home last night and spent some time in the Word.... as I was reading, I had to ask for forgiveness for my lack of discipline spending consistent time in the Word. It was so awesome though.... as I was praying and journalling, I was prompted by the Holy Spirit that I need to "not put idols or any other gods before the Lord".... the Holy Spirit was just giving me some good stuff, and reminding me that this Program is not my "God", not my "Provider" nor my "Source"..... it is a tool, and is part of my calling, but my focus still needs to be on "Jehovah Nissi" - "God my Banner - God my Victory!" It was a re-focus.... but it was also good the scripture that the Holy Spirit prompted me to read..... Leviticus 26 .... and guess what the first thing I read was?? :) "....do not put any other gods before me...." - I LOVE IT when the HS does that! When you are praying and He's laying things on your heart, and then confirms it by leading you to the corresponding scripture!!! SO... I'm renewed and refocused! God is my Source! He CHOSE me for this program and I'm going to finish strong and do my BEST! :)
Finally.... the motivation to do this came from our open meeting speaker last night.... Chris Faulkner mentioned if you took a habit to focus on for 21 days, you could create 17 good habits in a year!!! So.... I wrote down all the things I wanted to focus on, and the FIRST habit I chose that I wanted to focus on, was spending my "Quiet Time" or devotional time with the Lord! I want to be more consistent at that, b/c I've been a bit sporadic. I've gotten a bit of track, so now I'm getting BACK on track!!! Thanks Chris! :)
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