Friday, February 27, 2009

Amy & Angie's: "OFFICE MAKEOVER"

So... I have the pictures that I wanted to share with you all! :) QUITE amazing if I do say so myself! This is what Ang and I worked on for about 3 days..... but, the final outcome will bring great benefits to me! Keeping my husband motivated and dreaming is very important for my FUTURE! SO... we created an atmosphere that would keep his goals and dreams in front of him. It is so wonderful.... peaceful.... I just LOVE it!! :) goes.... enjoy the BEFORE and AFTER pictures!!! :)

This one is of the corner closet. Messy and cluttered, always stuff on the floor, trying to maneuver around. Clutter! And what a site as you walk in the office to see such a messy bookshelf!

This is the corner of the office, by the closet. Notice the clean floor, organized bookshelf. We moved this bookshelf from the other side of the room! This bookshelf has our biz and spiritual books and we boxed up a TON of books b/c before we had about 8 shelves of books! So we kept out our favorites and left some room to add. Then AMY actually gets some storage bins! Yeah! 

This is looking at the door to leave the office. Notice the bookshelf... it is in front of the bathroom door, so we obviously didn't ever get to use this door! And, the nice CLUTTERED bookshelf!
Notice you can actually use this door to get into the bathroom! This wall is the OLYMPIC WALL! This is still one of Tyler's dreams and passions, to go to the Olympics and win the Gold in the Hammer Throw. He missed the Olympic trials by a toe fowl when he was finishing college - so... he threw the distance, but his toe touched the line!!! 

This is the corner of the office... stacks of supplies for his job. 2 very messy bookshelves, and just an abundance of clutter!
Now this corner is a comfortable, relaxing corner... Tyler's favorite "thinking" chair, a picture of him throwing at Coastal Caroline University, a poem that I wrote "The Olympic Calling" and we framed, his college jersey and the CCU Record holder still, and then some throwing parafenelia.

This is what you would see the first thing when you walked in the office. A big white board, a calendar in the corner from 2006, a small path to get to his desk, and his 2 desks that he uses.

We framed out a section of the wall, got a smaller white board. The shelf contains pictures of our business and life mentors, and the center one a picture of Tyler and I speaking at a conference in front of about 10,000 people, a Victory in our life. The room is bordered with 8x10 pictures of our dreams, goals, past travels, victories we've accomplished, friends, mentors, and things that are just inspiring to us! Tyler said, "I feel like a great cloud of witnesses are looking down on me, cheering me on." - The bookshelves have bins to put supplies in, and it helps them not to look cluttered. 


This is our "Seed-Board" - Financial seed we've sown into peoples lives... and excited about God bringing the harvest. :) As it says in the Word, "We put YOU in rememberence of your Word"... and we know sowing seed is one of the steps to Break-Through and victory!

This is the poem I wrote so we could hang it in Tyler's office. 
The Olympic Calling! :)

This is a compilation of pictures we put together. All the pictures are some of the LEGENDS in the Hammer. People who will be Tyler's peers one day. The middle picture is the medal winners at the last Olympics. This was what Tyler said he was most excited about and impressed with, that we found the pictures, and got it all framed... very inspiring! :)

There ya have it! Pictures of our OFFICE MARATHON!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Good intentions ....inventory of life....

Racing.... is there really enough time in the day to get all the things done that NEED to be done? I'm feeling ok today.... in my brain my mind has been racing.... trying to determine how to handle my time better and more effectively. I had very GOOD INTENTIONS yesterday....went to work, got home around 6:30 and planned on working out real quick before the open meeting... then, low and behold, I look at my calendar and see that I needed to work the front table so I needed to be there at 7:15... (30 minute drive). Guess working out before the meeting is a NO-GO. "Well, I'll do it after the meeting." Had a guest speaker in, went to a Night Owl after... finished around 2:00 am. Got home around 2:30..... had Good Intentions to go to the gym and do my workout then (Coach Di had me scheduled for a 30 min cardio workout)..... I was so tired, I went to bed. Had a meeting this morning and had to leave home by 7:45...

Life is getting a bit back to normal starting today after a 4 day whirlwind of life. It was all good, but I've just felt a bit exhausted. I know that I'm not a super-woman..... but exercise is not an option. I reminded myself of this yesterday. I will be able to still get my 5 days in this week: Weds, Thurs, Fri, Sat & Sunday. One of those days I may double-up a workout so I can have a day off and actually rest. I know life happens at times... I'm not going to make excuses, I'm just going to have a DO-OVER TODAY! As Coach Di says.... every day you start with a DO-OVER. Today, I'm starting with a do-over. I'm going to WORK FAST at work and get lots done, not work late, and get my workout in. It's for Longevity, Health, Reducing Risk Factors, not making excuses, making it work, being a good example, prioritizing what's important and letting my ACTIONS SHOW MY PRIORITIES! And.... technically right now, my actions probably haven't really shown my priorities, so that is something I need to work on.

TO DO: Take an Inventory
List out the top 7 things that are most important in your life. Now, put them in order of importance. Are you living that out? Ask a loved one if your actions reveal what your priorities are..... ie: if your relationship with God is #1, could the people closest to you be able to tell that by your actions, time, money, committment? If not, begin to evaluate how you can LIVE OUT what is really important to you INSTEAD OF just "rolling with the punches" and letting busyness of life dictate to you what is important! This may mean starting to say that "oh so spiritual word"...... "NO!"

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Working Marathon with my SISTER!!!

So..... my sister Angie got here on Friday night and flew out this morning. We had a GREAT time! One of those experiences where you have moments of laughing so much you almost pee your pants! :) She's super fun! Well...she did come for a reason other than socializing... she came to clean out and organize Tyler's office! AND WOW did we get stuff done!! :)
Late nights....
Friday - picked her up 10:00 from Charlotte... got home around 11:30, worked until about 3:30
Saturday - Woke up at 8:30 am, worked until 4:30 am!
Sunday - Woke up around 10:30, worked until 7:00 A.M!!!
Monday - napped from 7:00-11:30 - woke up worked until 4:30 - then off to the airport!
Well, she missed her flight, so I had to bring her this morning.... so last night we did actually chill out and go to bed early. It felt great to actually SLEEP!!!!!!!! :)
The final outcome was AMAZING! I will get some before and after pictures and put them up here... but WOW!

And, how did eating right and 4321 fit in with this WORKING MARATHON! Well, I must admit, I did miss some workouts! We actually worked out on Friday night around midnight! Ang couldn't believe how HARD it was!!!! She could feel her legs burning big time! We did 2 sets of 4 on the elipitical.... so basically 8 minutes of 30 seconds hard, 30 seconds easy. She was amazed and suprised! She was an athlete growing up too and like us "ATHLETES", she thought it would be a joke since it wasn't for 30-60 minutes! She was proven wrong!! :)
We did eat for the most part what was on the schedule... SERGEANT ANGIE got on me for taking so many eating breaks, but it worked out. :) Saturday, Sunday and Monday I did NOT do 4321. AND, yesterday I did eat CHIK-FIL-A!!! My first "Fast Food" experience since the program started. I'm not distraut over it though.....because this is a LIFE program, and LIFE includes some times in eating out....ok... you're thinking "Amy, you must have got the Grilled Chicken sandwich, 1/2 the bun, with a fruit cup, no fries... right?" - WRONG! That would've been the best choice, but I got chicken tenders (3) and fries and a Diet Coke! WHOA! Such is life! IT sure was good though! I got full REALLY fast!

Also... I had to weigh myself... I dropped 4 pounds! YEAH!! :) That's exciting. :) That made me feel good that I got off the 148 hump! When I weighed myself the other day I weighed 144. SO... I started at 155. :) :) YEAH!

I just started month 2 yesterday... so today is DAY 2. Just had vegetable soup... had to BYPASS ALL THE GOOD looking food in the fridge... croissants, pasta, cookies, chips... etc.... all of which, I could have EATEN for free!! Not that I'm a "scavenger" or anything.... but sometimes it is just fun to eat stuff that you don't have to pay for! :) Well, I heated up my soup and am getting ready to eat my apple....

With that update, I suppose I will be done. Will keep you posted and show you pictures later! :) BYE!

Friday, February 20, 2009



So, I'm being a good "Program Follower" and going to the breakroom to heat up my VEGETABLE soup..... and what do I see??!?!? A CINNABON!! Nice, and big with lots of frosting... calling out my NAME! AH! Just like the Smores Pizza!

So... I did have a SMALL bite... it was good. It would've been really good heated up.... yummmmmmmmm. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Yes... the memories.... eating Cinnabon's in airports, and events....**Back in the old days.... good ole days...* :)

Hey.... these are going to be the NEW GOOD DAYS and there will be a time and place to eat all the yummy desserts in moderation... but for now, "BACK OFF CINNABON!!!"

hehe! But... really, it did look soooooooooooooooo goooooooooooooooodddddddd!


Surviving NIGHT OWL food.... Late Night with Larry! :)

So... went to hear Larry Winters last night in Atlanta! It was really good! Went to the Night Owl, of course at CICI's PIZZA! AH! The pizza did look very good.... but what even looked better was the SMORES DESSERT PIZZA!!! - It was like that old Jim Head CD where he talks about the cookie calling out to him.... "Eat me Jimmy, Eat me!"... then Jim gives in after battling with the cookie and says, "COOKIE! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" :) lol. It was a classic!! Well.... that is what the Smores Pizza was doing to me!! "Eat me Amy, Eat ME!" ... but I didn't kill the smores pizza... (I will say I had the last bite of Kim's which was amazing) but it was like we had this love conversation for awhile....thanks to Carlito!!! He got a plate that just had TWO WONDERFUL PIECES ON IT, AND HE DIDN'T EAT THEM!!!! Maybe he was trying to test me?!?! :) "Pizza... I really want to eat you. You look so great with the chocolate and marshmellows...but I've got to be strong... people here are wondering if I'm going to eat you, or hold out.... I've GOT to hold out." I licked a little piece of chocolate off... and then FINALLY when I found out Carlito wasn't going to eat it, I poured pepper all over it, and some ice water. That was helpful... but even under all that, it still looked good!!! :) I will learn how to have treats like that in moderation.... and, I know it's not bad and it will be part of life. That is what I like about this program... we ate chocolate cake with Dr. Duke.... desserts come up in life! But, I'll just try to stick to healthy desserts, and splurge on the chocolates every once in awhile!

But, for the most part.... running a tight ship and sticking to the program pretty close. I haven't weighed myself in over a week, and am waiting at least another week to do so. That is good for me. I know that all is good, and results are going to show! I am feeling better, pants looser... I will be excited when I can see more of a difference in my face!!! :) Honestly.... I'll just be jacked to be back down to some of my pictures from 1998. I remember this picture where my FACE looks so defined! You can actually see a JAW-LINE! WOW! :) It is awesome! I'm excited to be back to that point! (which is around 132 for me... with anything in the 120's being my goal weight).

My sister is flying in to town tonight and will be here until Monday night from Indiana. That will be fun! We are cleaning and organizing our whole place! PTL! She's one of those people who can just look at a room and "ZIP"! Get it organized!! :) We are going to follow the program while she is here, she'll be eating what I eat and doing 4321 with me. :) That will be so fun!!! She's one of my favorite people. She is so awesome!! She's about a year and 1/2 older than me.

Ok... gotta go! Love ya'll! :)

What is your FAVORITE thing to eat!!? Next time when you come up against it... maybe just try to not eat it, JUST to experience that VICTORY! Show yourself who is REALLY in control.... YOU or your "Urge to Splurge" frequently?!?? YOU be in control! It will make you feel proud of yourself!! :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Using Exchanges off the FLY!

So... what a good dinner I'm eating RIGHT NOW! :) 
I'm playing "Doctor Wifey" as Tyler recovering and completely healed (in Jesus Name!)... so, I was just cooking for me. I didn't feel like making "Chicken Skewers" and do all the cutting... so...I'll tell you what I had to work with and how I exchanged it for my own "meal". :)

This was what my meal needed to be: 
2 Protein
3 Vegetable's
2 fats
1 1/2 fruits

Here goes...
- I did 2 teaspoons of Olive Oil in a skillet put on medium heat... (= 2 fats), 
- added garlic with 1 cup of frozen spinich (=2 veggies), 
- I added about 1/2 cup of "cherry" tomatoes (cut each in half), a little bit of red onion and a about 3 slices of a Red Bell Pepper (cut in pieces)  (= 1 veggie)
- added all that to my sauteing spinich... added 2 eggs (2 protein) 
- and let it sit in the skillet for awhile. 
- cut up 1/2 a banana, 1/4 cup pineapple (pre-cut of course... like I would cut it!!), 1/4 cup frozen blueberries & about 5 frozen grapes... all that (=  1 1/2 Fruit) 


It is delicious!! :) So... I didn't make the Chicken Skewers and have 3 cups of Salad... but I followed the exchanges and had a great dinner that was QUICK and EASY to prepare!!! :) AND... to top it off, my VARIETY of COLORFUL fruits and vegetables added a LOT of phytonutrients to my meal helping my health and leading me down the path to the goal.... OPTIMAL HEALTH and a LONG HEALTHY, HAPPY LIFE!!! And....what a YUMMY way to live....actually looking forward to eating healthy! :) 

Happy Health to ya!! :)       .... now, off to go doctor! :)

(oh...wanted to say a quick shout out to a faithful reader! HI DANIEL!! :-) )

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

CHECK! - Goal accomplished - a.m. workout!!

Well... we were in Charleston last night to listen to Lance speak and got home around 4:00 this morning... whew.... well... this morning Tyler had to have me bring him to meet a co-worker to leave for a conference.... 
SO... I brought him to meet his co-worker, and then went and did my WORKOUT! Today I was scheduled to do my warm-up and 4-4. SO... I walked for 4+ minutes... and then did 8 minutes of 30 second sprints!! 

WOW! It was cold out... it was 35 degrees. For some people, I know that doesn't sound cold... but, to wake up and leave your warm home, cozy bed, warm clothes... BUT... it is nice to be done. :) 

OK... so probably one reason I haven't ever enjoyed working out in the morning was because it always took me SOOOOO LOOOOONNNNGGG to get my workout done... this morning was a classic example! I was getting ready to work-out and it LITERALLY took me 35 minutes to get out the door for a 12- MINUTE work-out!!! FOR REAL!!! ARGHHH! So.... I piddled around, had to find some warm clothes, had to find my stop watch, a hat, my iPod... bla bla bla.... well, after I finally found all that, I headed out. 

Tip from Diane... and we all know it anyways....
Make it as EASY as possible for you to succeed! If it's out, maybe even in a groggy-state you can get out of the house before you've convinced yourself otherwise!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

How Working-Out is like Doing the Dishes....

You know that feeling... as you look at your sink and it's piled up with dishes... to full to even fill up a water bottle with water...plates, cutting board, and lunch bowls sitting on the counter-top because there is not enough room in the sink. The feeling that you can't really get away from and no one else will take care of it. You don't want to do it, but you have to do it. Well my friends... that, right now is the feeling I have about working out tonight. :)

As I just finished doing the dishes... I thought... wow... this is so much like working out. Does that sound morbid? I don't feel like working out today. It's 10:32 at night. But, then the reality sunk in... the choice of this decision, the beginning of a bad habit. What are the consequences of not working out? Well, not working out.... leads to being overweight, obecity... overweight and obecity are some of the main causing factors in most major diseases... heart disease, diabetes, many cancers.... early death, not enjoying my future children to the fullest.... being self conscience of how I look, feel.... clothes fitting too tight.... affecting my self-image....
Can I afford NOT to do the dishes? Can I afford NOT to work out? OK... it does all sound a bit morbid.... but, it did make me talk myself into working out.

I'm getting ready to workout tonight. I'm not necessarily excited about it... I don't feel like it... and it's a bit to cold to go outside... and though we have a gym across the street, I just don't like the steril environment of being in a gym..... so, I'm going to workout IN MY APARTMENT! Not my favorite, but I'll do it. I'll put on some fast music for my "4" minutes of cardio (actually I'm doing 2 sets of 4321, so it will be "8" minutes"), I'm going to do "Fast-Feet" ... you know, the football player "fast-feet". I don't really enjoy those because when you really go hard, man, you can feel your legs burn!!! 30 seconds on, 30 second recovery for 8 minutes. Then.... I'll finish 332211. :)

So... I hope I wasn't just too "transparent". But, I've realized that I don't always have to "Like" working out, I just have to do it. Isn't that what Jake Baker recently said on one of his last CD's?? That's what, I think Campbell told him about reading... "Jake, You don't have to like reading, you just have to do it!"

So... I'm going to go change and GET THIS DONE! :)

Love ya'll! Have a great day!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

How to take your Nutrilite Supplements....

SO.... today was my 2nd day on the 1200 calorie meal plan.... has went great! Didn't get hungry at all. Today I was about 2 1/2 hours between all my snacks and meals, and my body let me know! It worked! I was thinking earlier... I have not lost my passion for this program and I'm getting ready to finish Week 3! I'm still just SO excited about it! It is such a major MENTAL change about eating, exercise and health! And... I'm just so excited about the byproducts of what has been happening... being able to help people. :-) Tyler was talking to his boss today about the Trim Body Program, the nutrition and 4321 program. His boss was really excited about it and really had some light-bulbs go off. Tyler hit his all-time weight high in December at 254... around the new year he was at 252. Well.... as of Wednesday, he weighed 233!! He has DROPPED... PERMANENTLY REMOVED... not "LOST" (because he's not going to find them again :-) ) 21 pounds! That is awesome! I will be excited to check my inches and weight in 2 weeks. It's motivating. "MUSCLE CONFUSE!"- is what Coach Diesel Diane says! MUSCLE CONFUSE! - "Do different stuff! Confuse those muscles! Don't do the same thing all the time, mix it up!" - "CONFUSE your body!" That's what Julianne Downes said too. It may be just enough to shock it into changes.... at the same time, I'm being healthy!

1) Invisafiber - This can be taken before any meal... 20 minutes. Take before breakfast, lunch or dinner. In the Trim Body book... it has it with breakfast, but you can take it before any meal.

2) Other Supplements with the Trim System - 1 Carb Blocker, 1 Glucose Health, 2 Slimmetry - These should be taken 20-30 minutes before meals. If you take them right with your meal, it's pretty much a waste. Julianne said people who haven't seen results with the supplements in the past are not taking them properly. KEY! 20-30 Minutes before meals!

3) What about the other vitamins?? - Double X, Omega-3, Concentrated Fruits and Veggies.... and all the other Nutrilite supplements you may be taking...take these WITH your meal! I used to take mine when I woke up and before I went to bed.... it didn't bother me, BUT YOU GET THE MOST BENEFIT if you take them with a meal. Your body is able to absorb the Vitamins, Minerals and Phytonutrients better! I thought I was all tough, with an Iron-Stomach, not having to take them with food.... ok... so I guess not everything is a competition! :)

That's all for now! Hope that helps!! LOVE YA'LL! :)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Questions and Answers with the NUTRITIONIST

It's been a great day! Talking with Tyler... I've decided to do what he did... and that is I have "casted my cares" upon the Lord! Specifically in regards to waking up earlier for a longer/more quality quiet time, work-out and read...and get to work earlier. I have CAST it on the Lord! That is a good feeling. I was putting myself through condemnation... and I know condemnation is NOT from God.... so... it is one of my desires and I'm excited to see it come to pass!

OK... it's been a great day!! I talked to Julianne Downes today, she is the Dietician/Nutritionist.... basically if you want to boil it down, she was a main contributor to writing the TRIP BODY NUTRITION PLAN!


1) What if I don't get to eat my afternoon snack until about 6:00, which means it would push dinner back until about 9:00 or 10:00.... what is better, to eat dinner or not eat at all?
"EAT dinner! Don't skip! Even if it is at 11:00. Your goal is to eat about every 3 hours. But.... don't skip!"

2) What if I'm not hungry for one of my snacks... should I eat it even if I'm not hungry for it?
"OK... let's look at it this way... if you have a car, is it better to wait
until the car is on EMPTY to fill it up with gas? OR, is it better to fill it up even if it still has a little gas left? ---- Obviously, it's better to fill it
up even BEFORE it gets to E! That is the same with your body. Fill it up before it gets empty, even if you are not hungry."

3) Ok... I haven't really seen the scales move a lot... I haven't been really hungry a lot, and the meals are filling me up. Would it be beneficial for me to move down from the 1500 calorie plan (of how the Trim System is written), or should I move down to the 1200 calorie plan?

"Well, I do not usually move anyone up or down on a calorie plan until they finish their 4th week... but just knowing that you have been following the eating plan, the 4321 plan, and still aren't hungry... we'll switch you to the 1200 calorie plan for 2 weeks and see what that does. It could just shock your system enough to trigger you to see more progress quicker. If you start getting hungry a lot... let me know! - Follow the plan that is at the bottom of each page in the Trim book.. which is subtract some exchanges from the meal plan: 1-2 fat, 2 protein, 2 vegetables, 1 fruit." (for someone wanting to go to an 1800 calorie diet, they would add those exchanges to the current meal plan)

So... those were some of the tips I got from Julianne! Thought it was interesting! I definitely learned a lot!! :) Some of it I would not have thought the answer would have been that way... but... I'm following and trusting the system! :)

PS... my 4321 workout was great tonight. I did 2 sets. It was good.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Adjusting.... EATING OUT!!! AHHHH!!! :)

Ok... not a major huge deal, but "eating out" may be not an option sometimes! Mine and Tyler's goal was to try not to eat out over the next 3 months as much as possible. 

Well... yesterday was an interesting day..... I wasn't really hungry ALL day. I did have a relatively busy day at work, but I just wasn't that hungry. I didn't eat my afternoon snack until 5:00.... I had our meals already made b/c it was a "Fish In Foil" day which I had vacuum-sealed and put in the freezer the 2 "left-over" servings... that was super nice! :) Well... since we were having a night-owl after our business meeting last night, we were going to Salsarita's. I just had my dinner there.... and followed the plan pretty much perfect... I just had my Trim Body System book with me, looked at what all exchanges that were scheduled for dinner, and ended up getting a whole wheat tortilla (starch exchange) with 3 oz of grilled chicken (3 protein exchanges), a little bit of lettuce, salsa, onions (all = to about 1 vegetable exchange), and even Sour Cream (free & fat exchange), and even 6 CHIPS! (1 starch exchange and estimated 1-2 fat exchanges). SO.... that covered what I had left on my exchanges for the day. Didn't end up going to bed until around 2:00-2:30. 

(now, I'm on a converence call! :) )

So... adjustments work when they have too! Probably ideally eating at 11:00 may not be the best.... but I'll check with Julianne Downes (the dieticianist) b/c I have a scheduled call with her tomorrow.

Have a great day!

Focus on Optimal Health! How can you make little changes today to improve your health?? Can you take the stairs? Walk your dog? If you are eating fast-food, can you get fruit instead of french fries? Can you get grilled chicken instead of a double cheese burger? Try adding 1 extra fruit to your day.... get something you like, buy it pre-cut - cantelope, watermelon, pineapple. Bring an apple or banana with you to work. Add some extra veggies to your lunch, dinner or snack - carrots, celery, brocolli - throw some ranch with it if you have too! (low-fat preferably). YOU deserve it. You are investing money into your LIFE , TODAY's HEALTH and FUTURE HEALTH.   

Monday, February 9, 2009

Routines are good....

So... some tips I've been figuring out...

FOR ALL YOU NON-GROCERY shoppers... maybe I have been in the major "Minority"... but since I didn't ever used to go grocery shopping... this has been a big change. So far, I have scheduled it into my "Sunday" evening... where I'll go shopping for the week. Well... since we got home late Sunday, I didn't get a chance to do it... wow! That sure does make a difference. Today I definitely had to tweek our meal plan. I still followed the appropriate "exchanges", so it's SUPER helpful that the new system follows an "exchange" program... but... STILL haven't done my grocery shopping... SO... I'm going to look at what we have scheduled for tomorrow's meals, and hopefully we will be able to get by for one more day.... we'll see. But, I know that I have to pack Tyler's lunch because, he has began to count on his wifey planning out his meals for him. I think he has really liked it!!

4321... did it tonight. It is STILL my goal to get into a routine to do it in the morning. It would be SOOOO nice to have it done and out of the way... then if things come up, I don't have to try to fit it in at night. I did 2 sets of 4321. It was good. I kinda goofed off..... went hard during the 4... but did fun stuff outside... I did fast-feet up and down on the curb.... AND... I was listening to some JAMMIN good oldie music from my High School days... that made it kinda fun!! :) Like... do you remember "Get Up" by Technotronic!?! or... "Gonna Make You Sweat" by C & C Music Factory?!?! :) "Good Vibrations" by Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch.... "Too Close" by Next.... "Whoop There it Is" by 95 South... WOW!! :) What funny music!!! :) But... it did make me laugh and dance a little while I was out breakin down my 4321!! :) What about "Return of the Mack"... remember that tune!?! :) Am I TOTALLY dating myself?!?! I need to bust out with some "BELL BIV DIVOE"!!!!!! Now, that brings back some memories!!

Anyways... I was feeling a bit discouraged today... a bit overwhelmed with work, trying to get everything caught up there... it WILL get done... but... just one day at a time. I'm beginning to put some "systems" in place which I think will help me to get and stay organized and have a better follow-up system. I do have the best husband in the world. He helped me today get my "thinking" together... I was still a bit emotional... but he just loves me anyways. :) He's really super! I think sometimes I try to have everything all together and in the past would get a bit overwhelmed. I'm working on it. Ok... going to bed. Have to actually be out of here early tomorrow for an 8:15 meeting. Night!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Do what ya gotta do....

So... it's been a day of traveling and "tweeking" the program to fit what we could do.... went to visit our new nephew in Georgia today.... 3 1/2 hours there... stayed a few hours and turned around and came 3 1/2 hours home.... got home around 9:00 this evening... and had a conference call which ended at 10:30....

Well.... to say that least, I didn't feel like doing 4321 after, I just wanted to go to bed.... I was in the bathroom putting on my pajama's.... and I thought... ok.... I'm just going to prove the PROGRAM RIGHT!!! I've said, "Anyone can make 10 minutes out of a day.".... to I applied it.... before I had a chance to change my mind....won't get into what my workout gear was... but, I DID IT! I did 4321! Put on my fast, jammin music... and did it! I feel good about me... now I'm going to go to bed! My muscles are feeling it though... I went fast!! :)

Love ya'll!

Friday, February 6, 2009

4321 and 44

Hey! :) 
So... I did do what I said I was going too... :) .... I did my workout tonight. So, Coach DD (Deisel Diane)... she has me doing 4321 every other time.... my schedule right now is 
Monday, Thursday, Saturday - 4321 x 2 - So on these days I'm doing 2 sets of 4321.
Tuesday & Friday - 44, 44 - On these days I'm doing 2 sets of 4... so 2 sets of the Cardio. 

Tonight before dinner and before our "Trim-Bassador" conference call... this is what my workout was.... I walked fast for a warm-up about 4 minutes... then began the fun part.... I did my 4 back to back... so, I did 8 minutes of 30 second intervals. I just ran around our neighborhood. But... I have a stop watch and one of the settings is where I can set it to just keep counting down 30 seconds, when it gets to "0" it beeps for 5 seconds while simaltaneously it begins counting 30 seconds again. It's SUPER convenient. So.... I bust my tail in a sprint for 30 seconds, then when it beeps, i jog for 30... when it beeps again....#2- I bust my tail for 30 seconds in a fast sprint.... then jog. WOW! Brings me back to my track days. 

Go try it! you will probably get tired. I was done in 12 minutes, then I stretched a little bit while I got on my conference call. :) Cool! :)

So.... are these blog posts helping?? Anyone reading out there? Let me know your thoughts and comments! :)

Day or Night... just do it! You can do 4321 in your living room!! EVERYONE HAS 10 MINUTES a day... and you will be suprised, it will make a HUGE difference!!! Just try it for 3 weeks! :)
Do 4 minutes of fast feet, altering 30 seconds hard, 30 second jog....feel it burn!!! -- 
Do 3 minutes of strength - ie: 1 minute of push ups, 1 minute of bicep curls (use water bottles if you don't have a band or weights), 1 minute of lunges ... 
Then 2 minutes of CORE/abs-back - glutes - do 1 minute of a plank - get in the push up position- make sure your back and butt is flat not bent, and just hold it for 1 minute tightening your abs and butt. - then do 1 minute of side crunches, tighten your abs as you go ---- 
Finally 1 minute of stretching - stretch good, hold for 30 seconds. 

Not perfect? No big deal... :)

So.... things have been going good.... yesterday I was scheduled to do 4321... but, for some reason I was SOOOOOOOOOOOO tired, I ended up going to bed early yesterday. That was really nice, quite different than the normal... I went to be at 9:10!!!!!! WHOA!! Usually it's after midnight. But... I guess I needed it.

So, I missed a day of 4321. I'm not going to be too uptight about it. My plan is to do it tonight sometime, then Saturday and Sunday... so, I will still get my scheduled 5 days in that Coach Di has me set up to do. Assuming all goes well, I will just have moved around my days off. :-)

I am getting more used to the program. Tyler has been doing REALLY great... but, then again, OF COURSE a husband would enjoy it if his wife prepared for him THREE MEALS a day and set out TWO snacks a day!!! If I were him, I'd love it too!!! He enjoys being "taken care of". I can't blame him. Maybe I can hire someone to do it all!! That would be the deal!

But, on a more serious note... for the most part, meal prep has been going fairly well. I usually look at my Trim Body Book the night before and as long as the lunch isn't a big deal, I just have been waking up a little bit earlier and making breakfast and lunch in the morning. I've been putting them in zip-lock bags, putting them in a cooler for Tyler, and in a cooler for me. It has been nice having them readily available during the day. I can tell my body is getting used to having snacks, and definitely lets me know when the time is ready! I've been good at taking my supplements 20-30 minutes before eating. And... I've been also pretty good about drinking water. I have a 24 oz water bottle... I usually drink 2 per day... then maybe have 1 Perfect Water, so that gets me my 8 glasses of water for the day.

I have lost some weight. :) That's a fun one! I know that late- Dec /early- January, I TOPPED OUT at the MOST I've ever weighed, 159 pounds! WOW! I about flipped! Well... NOT that I'm weighing that often... but so far since my HIGH, I have lost 9 pounds! Since being on the Trim Program, I have dropped about 4 pounds.... so I'm well on my way. My goal... hum.... somewhere in the 120's would be great! I'm not sure what my ideal weight would be, but 120 (118 really) has always been my "dream" weight. Once I get there, 118 may be a bit to small.... so we'll play it by ear.

Ok... I need to work now!! Have a great day!

Every day is a new day... the beginning of the rest of your life... if you mess up, just start over! This program is a LIFE-STYLE change... one day at a time just begin to make healthy choices. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Slow down to be thankful. Really.. take a few minutes to count your blessings and say "Thank You!" Be excited, you are changing your life and reducing your RISK factors just by starting with the little things. :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hope in a final outcome....

Wow! So many thoughts!! :)
1) My breakfast....
2) Hope in a final outcome
3) 4321

We'll start off with... I had a JAMMIN breakfast this morning... for real, eating like this makes me excited about waking up. I had a cup of Cantelope (YUMMY!), and I had a cup of Non-Fat Plain Yogurt (Dannon) - we're out of splenda, so I sweetened my yogurt with 2 sweet-n-lows AND I put a little bit of Coconut Extract in it! YUMMY!!! WOW! It was awesome!! :) So... "in the past" maybe I wasn't too excited about waking up and going to "work", and going through the motions of "job life...corporate America"... and, I know this may sound weird, but eating such a YUMMY breakfast makes me feel different, I actually am excited! I feel like I have a New Hope! :) New Excitement.... New Life. :) That makes me happy.

Secondly... we had our weekly meeting last night and I got to share about the whole Nutrilite Experience! What a great opportunity!!! Tyler mentioned something to me that really impacted me when we got home.... he said, "What you shared could have just saved somebodies life." WOW! That is so true!!!! WOW! "People perish for lack of Knowledge" and through this experience, I am able to relay KNOWLEDGE to people!!! WOW! People can begin the process right now to Reduce Risk Factors so that they do not become one of the statistics of people that die from heart disease, cancer, Type II Diabetes, and the list goes on! WOW! Now that is what I call HOPE!

So..... I also spent some time in the Word this morning...and I was directed to a verse most of us have read MANY times... but, there I was, back at it again.
Jeremiah 29:11 (AMP) "For I know the thoughts and plans I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts & plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome."
So, as I read that I had several thoughts... "hope in a final outcome" is not dying of diseases (which MOST diseases stem from being OVERWEIGHT!).... I thought Hope in a Final outcome is WINNING, achieving, having an ending of Success! From my Point of View, "peace" is not spending a lifetime going through the battle of not liking what you see in the mirror, spending life on the roller coaster of weight gain and loss never to experience true freedom. That is not peace to me! Peace is enjoying life in abundance, to the FULL, til it overflows! It's feeling great, having energy, being prosperous, making a different in the lives of others. True ful-fillment! That's what I'm excited about! 

Third... (I know this is getting long)... last thing... 4321. WHOA! One word, can we say SORE!!! I did this "exercise" the other day as part of my "2" - It was for the glutes (booty!) and lower back. You take one of the "workout tubes", straddle a chair backwards, wrap the tube around your back, the front of the chair and then back to your hands... it seemed SOOO easy at the time and I didn't think I was getting anything out of it... you just lean back and forward for a minute (i did it for 2)...I thought it was a waste of my time... until I woke up with a MAJORLY sore booty yesterday! Still sore today! I guess it worked!!

Ok... have a blessed day! :) Later!

Monday, February 2, 2009


Week One is done, and I'm heading in to week 2. I feel REALLY good!!! Health-wise, I haven't gotten ANY headaches this week... so that is a super positive!! Also, my clothes are fitting better!! I have my favorite pair of black pants that were starting to be really tight.... It's not a good thing when you can see the "Indention of the Button" on your stomach! So... I'm almost at the point where I need to put a belt on, after JUST one week!! Very encouraging.

I just got done eating my snack.... the Carmel Snack Bar... those are SOOO good! Since there were several updates for the "shopping list" we are following the DAY 4 (of week 2) menu for today. I'll pick up the missing items later.

Honestly, it really does feel good to be following a plan. I'm enjoying it. I've had to have a "re-adjustment" a few times and remember to just TRUST the system. So... I'm trusting! I have a call with Coach Di today at 6:30... that should be good. It will be about 30 minutes.... excited to hear her thoughts and comments. I think I will work out more "frequently" this week. I did 4-3-2-1, 4 x's last week, and I walked one day for 30 minutes...

Ok... gotta go...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Week 2 - Shopping list updates

Noticed some things AFTER I did my grocery shopping that
were not on our "Shopping List".... they are going to come out with an
edited/corrected version in April when they re-publish the Trim Books
again...until then:

Missing for:
Day 1: spinich, pineapple, 8 bamboo skewers
Day 2: cheddar cheese (for cutting in cubes)
Day 3: potatoe (for baked potatoe)
Day 4: whole wheat crackers (but-i have those from last week), Whole
Wheat Pita
Day 5: NOTHING MISSING! yeah! :)
Day 6: dinner roll
Day 7: Raspberries
I had some from week one too... will post those a different time.

Do I seem like a Melancoly?!?! They will be making corrections.

OH, I JUST FIGURED IT OUT!!!! I figured out why our Trim Body shakes were
coming out so THICK!!! We were using the full amount of the fruit
instead of the EDITED amount that is suppose to be listed. It is only suppose to be
3/4 cups of frozen berries instead of 1 1/2 cups of frozen berries! We
were having to add XS for some more liquid for our shakes to come out
so we could drink them!!!

Ok... time to go to bed. The Cardinals played a good game tonight...
had a great come-back and shot at the Super Bowl.... but, my hats off
to the Steelers! Go Holmes!